Friday, January 4, 2013

BAJL Day 4: Baby update

         Today I went with my wife to have an ultrasound done to check on the development of our baby, a boy for those not in the know. She showed us his little feet and hands which were all near his face for some reason. I think he got my comically long legs. We also saw his little heart beating and his entire spinal cord was visible (kind of cool to see).
          Also for whatever reason, during the ultrasound she zoomed in on his penis and pointed out his shaft, head, and balls to us. Why was that necessary? I could see it already on the scan, there was no need to make it full screen size.
          Anywho, I am looking forward to meeting the little guy. I can't wait to share all my geekiness with him. We can watch Star Wars and Star Trek together, hang out at Disneyland, and quote movies. Ok maybe those things are many years into the future but I can't wait for those things.
          If you have kids please comment about your experiences. I am interested in learning from others.
          Also, below is a picture from today's ultrasound. It is a profile of his face/skull and one of his hands.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see you become a Daddy! You will be amazing!!
